Showing 151 - 175 of 3,897 Results
Frances Burney: The Life in the Works by Doody, Margaret Anne ISBN: 9780813513096 List Price: $50.00
Women in Academia And Equality Law Aiming High - Falling Short? Denmark, France, Germany, Hu... by Numhauser-Henning, Ann, Bla... ISBN: 9789041124272 List Price: $115.20
Careful Who You Trust by Shear, Frances Ann ISBN: 9781413731170 List Price: $24.95
Original Essays on the Poetry of Anne Sexton by Bixler, Frances ISBN: 9780944436066 List Price: $9.00
Biography and the Question of Literature in France by Jefferson, Ann ISBN: 9780199270842 List Price: $165.00
Records of a Girlhood (Dodo Press) by Kemble, Frances Anne ISBN: 9781406518887 List Price: $38.99
La France et le cinma tchcoslovaque des annes soixante: Rceptions, distributions, publics (F... by Anne-Charlotte Gourraud ISBN: 9786131586774 List Price: $84.00
Ann Radcliffe In Relation To Her Time (Afrikaans Edition) by Clara Frances McIntyre ISBN: 9781178890204 List Price: $19.75
Voyages en France pendant les annes 1787, 1788, 1789 Volume 2 (French Edition) by Young Arthur 1741-1820 ISBN: 9781172652594 List Price: $38.75
Ann Radcliffe in Relation to Her Time by Mcintyre, Clara Frances ISBN: 9781177676229 List Price: $19.75
Journal of a Three Months' Tour in Portugal, Spain, Africa, and C by Frances Anne Vane Londonderry ISBN: 9781178484175 List Price: $21.75
Vie D' Anne Stuart Reine de la Grand-Bretagne, de France et D'Irlande by Anonymous ISBN: 9781173367732 List Price: $42.75
Christmas Tree, and Other Tales, Adapted from the Germ [of J C Von Schmid] by Kemble, Frances Anne ISBN: 9781175188557 List Price: $24.75
Married Life of Anne of Austria, Queen of France, Mother of Louis Xiv , and Don Sebastian, K... by Freer, Martha Walker ISBN: 9781178146288 List Price: $34.75
Dallas, Pennsylvani by Pulling, Sr. Anne Frances R... ISBN: 9781436386692 List Price: $19.99
Bulletin de la Societe Astronomique de France et Revue Mensuelle : Treizieme Anne, 1899 (1899) by Societe Astronomique De France ISBN: 9781169814820 List Price: $47.96
Life and Writings of Turgot : Comptroller General of France 1774-76 (LARGE PRINT EDITION) by Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques... ISBN: 9781169896918 List Price: $46.95
Anne de Montmorency, Grand Ma?tre et Conn?table de France, A la Cour, Aux Arm?es et Au Conse... by Decrue De Stoutz, Francis 1854 ISBN: 9781173076580 List Price: $37.75
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